Do you have any plans for this years Easter? Have you had any chances of love this Easter? If your answer is yes then, we entreat you to make the best out of it. Love for people in this season is more important than any other time again, since the most greatest love of all is to be shown by Christ Jesus in this season.

Under the general auspices of ISAF Ghana, with partnership with Redeeming Orphans Foundation brings to you a moment of love and care dubbed, EASTER SPECIAL FOR ORPHANS on the theme: "sacrifice on the cross: the love for the orphan child".

This is an event geared towards mobilizing funds and items for these kids of the orphanage home as they also celebrate the Easter festivities.

Date: 22nd April, 2017
Time: 9:00am to 1:00pm
Venue: Cp, Kasoa
Fee is free.

Come with the love you have to share with these kids as we all play games and have fun on that day as well as we have some free medical screening for the kids.

To sponsor or donate the little you have kindly contact us today and we will be happy to receive your love.
Email: info.isafghana@gmail.com or call 0240246052/ 0279875545/ 0266282600

Thank you for the love and don't forget the date and time as well as the venue for the event. God bless you for the love and care you show today.

ISAF Ghana......... Making Excellence.


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