What you need to know about MUMPS a.k.a ''Gyemere kutu''

What is mumps?

Mumps is an infection caused by a type of virus called a paramyxovirus. It is very contagious and spread in saliva, the same as cold or flu. It simply means it can be spread from an infected person coughing, sneezing, etc. You can as well catch it through handling of an infected objects like door handles and playing toys.

What are the usual mumps symptoms?

* Swelling and pains of one or both parotid glands are the usual main symptoms. The parotid glands are the main salivary glands. It is just below the ear. The swelling usually last for 4-8 days
* The mouth may feel dry
* Chewing and swallowing may be sore.
* High temperature (fever), headache, felling tired and being off food may develop for a few days.
* Mild tummy (abdominal) pain may occur

What are the possible complications?

Mumps in children are more likely to be mild and good when taken care of at the right time with the right medical attention.
Teenagers and adults with mumps are more likely to develop complications, which may affect;

1. The testicles (testes) are sometimes affected. One of the testes may be swollen, inflamed and painful for about a week. This may affect walking and sitting positions as well.
2. If mumps are developed in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, this may account to the risk of miscarriage. However the virus will not cause any defects in the unborn baby if not miscarried.

Should mumps patients not be around others?

YES. This is very infectious. It takes 14-25 days to develop symptoms after being infected.  So people with mumps should stay away from school, work, church and even social gatherings and avoid other people as much as possible.

What is the treatment for mumps.

Treatment for mumps are not to kill the virus. This is a means to reduce the pains and swelling in the glands and give comfort. Paracetamol can help ease pains and also taking in a lot of liquids particularly if they have high temperature (fever) in children. Fruit juice may stimulate the parotid glands to make more saliva, and cause more pains so should not be advised but replaced with water. Seek a doctors attention for more treatment.

Mumps is normally a mild illness, but more often complications are bound to happen. It is advisable to get your children immunized against all infections and mumps too.
Stay healthy and always remember to keep the children healthy.

ISAF Ghana.......... Making Excellence


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