Today, marks another day of fight against the deadly virus HIV in the world. As we commemorate this day, find the needed support and understanding to also extend a helping hand to those that needs them.

The HIV virus in recent time has been a the talk of town and research has gone into finding a lasting solution to this in our current age and time. Now persons living with the virus have a time to live a free and healthy lifestyle and also help encourage others as well.

Taking the time today to check for your status is a step in the right direction in helping to reduce the prevalence rate in the country and globally.

Visit the nearest clinic to get tested today for free and make an informed decision about your life and others. Ending the epidemic of HIV - community by community. Tell someone to get tested and it's bot a death sentence. Be safe and protect yourself.

Thanks for enjoying today's series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link up with us for your general counseling and career guidance needs


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