iTALK Live Series....... Failure is not a moment of breakdown but a modification period

*iTALK Live Series*
*October 4*

*Failure is not a moment of breakdown but a modification period*

As you live today, there is one thing you find so hard to understand. Which is why you are surrounded by failures.

The term failure in your life does not mean you are just to the ground and can't lift yourself up, rather failure is just a trial moment for you to modify the next process.
No matter how many times you fail or the people around you fail with you, it's just a time to modify and not breakdown.

Those who are close to you and do not help you to greatness by failing with you are not going to help you succeed. Find the right people to work with and build yourself up.
Be a change make and find positivity in the lives of failed processes and make them as you are.

*Thanks for enjoying today's series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link is up with us for your counseling and guidance needs on +233240246052*

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