iTALK Live Series

*iTALK Live Series*
*October 3*

*Allowing yourself to be mentored and making the right choices*

It is quite difficult to understand the choices of life as youth if not understood and interpreted by an adult.
Allow yourself to be mentored and trained to make the right choices as you may think yours choices are the best.
No matter the level of education you might think you have or acquiring now, you still need a helping hand in your choices, always remember that the place you dream of going, someone has been there and failed yet he picked himself and made it.
Allow yourself to me mentored and make the right choices in life. Life is just once and opportunities they say comes but once. Let this be the only gift for yourself and seek advice. It does not make you less a human or anything worse but rather enlighten you and puts you on the right path.
Make the right choice and believe in yourself to do best.

*Thanks for enjoying today's series of iTALK Live and we look forward to helping you understand your moments as youth. Link is up with us for your counseling and guidance needs on +233240246052*

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